Writing in a journal has a significant positive effect on one’s mental, emotional and physical health. There is something powerful about putting pen to paper.

Writing in a journal has a significant positive effect on one’s mental, emotional and physical health. There is something powerful about putting pen to paper. Neuroscience shows that the act of writing connects differently in your brain, rather than simply typing. Writing involves the use of your left and right hemispheres of your brain.
Journaling has been shown to boost your mood, enhance your sense of well-being, improve your memory, reduce symptoms of depression, alleviate overwhelm and help process difficult experiences and emotions, process trauma, and can even re-wire neural pathways.
There are different methods and purposes of journaling. One of my favorite methods is known as Future-Self Journaling.

What is Future Self-Journaling?
One of the main benefits of journaling is it allows you to become consciously aware. We spend so much of our time living on autopilot and our unconscious beliefs and habits are driving our decisions. Becoming conscious and mindful allows you to grow and change. It allows you to break patterns that are keeping you stuck.
Your brain is amazing. Your brain can grow and change throughout your life. Thanks to the amazing science of neuroplasticity, your brain can grow new cells, strengthen and re-wire pathways. Through intentional and consistent acts you can change pathways in your brain. You can create the pathways that YOU want, instead of living on auto-pilot from past habits. This can give so much hope.
Future Self-Journaling takes about 10 minutes every morning (or you can choose what time of day is most effective for you.) Journaling allows you to develop habits and behavior that YOU want. You get to create your life based on your core values and future desires. Through the constant repetition your brain will be firing new neurons and building new pathways!
How to begin?
Take some time to notice patterns in your behavior that are keeping you stuck. Patterns or habits that are no longer serving you. Perhaps, something that is causing you pain in your life, or in your relationships with others. Remember, this is not to change other people, it is to notice and witness patterns and behavior within yourself. You may observe areas in different categories of your life: Such as mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, or social.

1) Questions to Ask Yourself:
- What behaviors are holding me back from reaching my highest potential?
- What behavior pattern do I want to change?
- If ___________________ were to change, how would my life be better or different?
- How does the best future version of myself act?
- What positive habits does my future self practice?
Make a list of behavior patterns or habits that you would like to work on. Then choose only ONE to begin with. When you make too many changes at once your brain can sense threat, overwhelm and shut down.
Once you have chosen one habit / behavior to work on practice that for at least 30 days until it becomes instilled within you. Note: It may take longer than 30 days. That is OK! Practice self-compassion and know that new pathways take time and consistent effort to re-wire.

2) Write Daily Affirmations
Through the use of journaling daily affirmations you will begin to re-wire new pathways in your brain and create behavior change.
Journal ….
Today I am ___________________.
Example: Today I am calm and grounded.
Today I am practicing __________________.
Example: Today I am practicing being calm and grounded when I feel emotionally triggered.
Change in this area will allow me _________________.
Example: Change in this area will allow me to become conscious to my triggers and practice emotional regulation skills. I will better live in alignment with my values and feel less stress and chaos throughout the day.
Today I am grateful for _________________ .
When we journal what we are grateful for we are switching our brains from focusing on what is wrong, to looking for what is going right.
More Examples:
Today I am Present.
Today I am Nourishing my Body.
Today I am Worthy of Love.
Today I am Competent.
Today I am Confident.
Today I am Following Through With my Commitments to Myself.
Today I am Moving My Body.
Today I am Enough.
There are countless options that you could use for your affirmations. There are no right or wrong choices. The key is to choose something that YOU want to improve on and stay consistent. Overtime these new habits and behaviors will become a new normal for you.
Remember to show loving kindness to yourself as you grow. If you miss a day, if you feel as you have failed … try again. Shame and a harsh inner critic will keep you stuck. Ups and downs come with growth and change. Keep going!
Remember … There is help. There is hope.
Erika Behunin, LCSW
Posts are for educational purposes only. Not a replacement for therapy or professional help.